Rethinking My Legal Education

September 23, 2024

Rethinking My Legal Education
When I first walked into law school, I envisioned myself in a suit and tie, legal degree proudly hanging on my wall, working diligently as an attorney. I went to law school with the idea that it would lead to a stable career—challenging yet secure—that could support my family. In my mind, law school was simply a path to achieving those goals.

For the first two years, I was progressing as planned—building skills, forming connections, and preparing for graduation. But despite achieving everything I set out to, something felt off. I paused to reflect on why I wasn’t feeling fulfilled, realizing that my focus had been solely on myself. What was missing was a purpose tied to helping others, especially those who lacked access to the legal system that my education was opening up for me.

Aligning My Career with My Core Values
As I took the time to reflect, I started questioning the values guiding my career. Growing up with strong religious values, one of the core teachings I learned was “veahavta leracha kamocha,” which means “love your fellow as yourself.” I realized that seeing my legal education only as a means to a comfortable income didn’t align with those values. It was clear that this approach wouldn’t make my Rabbi very proud either.

With that in mind, I sought out ways to live up to these values and came across articles discussing the gaps in access to legal justice. When I found A2J Tech, I was excited by how their mission to make legal services “inclusive for everyone” aligned perfectly with my own journey. For me, access to justice isn’t just a concept—it’s a way to bridge my professional skills with the values that shaped who I am.

My Work at A2J Tech
It became clear to me that a career focused on serving others would be much more meaningful than using my legal education just to earn a living. That’s why I’m thrilled to be working at A2J Tech, where everything I do—from projects to meetings—is centered on making legal services accessible to those who might otherwise struggle to find them.

Had I continued down the traditional path toward a law firm, I likely wouldn’t have discovered the purpose I now feel in my work. By shifting my focus from billable hours to improving access to justice, I’ve found deeper meaning in what I do.

Even without a formal background in access to justice, I quickly found my footing at A2J Tech. My role involves taking dense legal documents—like divorce filings or business law forms—and breaking them down into clear, manageable pieces so they can be easily understood by anyone, whether they have legal experience or not. The goal is simple: make navigating legal documents as easy as possible for everyone.

Though I’m still early in this work, I’m proud to be contributing to a mission that aligns with my values. I look forward to continuing to help make justice accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or legal knowledge.

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