Florida Name Change assists residents in different counties throughout Florida with adult and minor name changes, in addition to modifying gender markers on vital documents such as driver's licenses, birth certificates, social security cards, and passports.

Service Area

Document Automation



Client Type

Legal Aid


A2J Tech built out Florida Name Change several years ago, however, courts have updated those forms, and users were asking for ways where they could regenerate their documents to correct errors or change their information without having to go through the step-by-step process of completing those forms again. They needed a way to be able to enter in the necessary information and have those regenerated for the applicable county or counties at the press of a button. 


To address these issues, A2J Tech experimented with different document automation platforms that had integrations with databases that could store the user information but also push that information into PDF or Word documents. 


A2J Tech gave the original Florida Name Change a makeover! It is now a portal where people can fill out their information at their own pace without having to worry about getting interrupted or losing their iInternet connection. Then, they can push that information into the appropriate forms for their county or counties, or receive those forms as a printable packet.