Year 1 Report
We just finished our first year in business! We welcome your feedback and thoughts on our Year 1 report. You can write comments at the bottom of this post.

This is who we are. What do you think?

One of our bigger projects. It was fulfilling to see the real A2J impact of a well designed mobile-friendly website and online application. 57% of the applications were on a mobile device, 83% completion rate on mobile, on average took 3 minutes 23 seconds to complete.

Another big project. Medicaid Expansion is so important!

5 out of 6 clients were from word of mouth. We plan to become more intentional about reaching out to legal aid organizations that don't know about us.

Improving access to justice is our primary goal. But we still have to have a sustainable financial model. We're hoping to stabilize this over the next year.

It's not sexy, just hard (and enjoyable) work. What else should we focus on?

Ideas are welcome as well! Thanks for reading to the end 😃